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  • What is a Virtual Assistant?
    A Virtual Assistant is a self-employed professional who provides various administrative, technical, or creative services to assist Clients (entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals) remotely from a home office. Please see AKA Virtual Assistant’s Services for the types of tasks that can be done.
  • Who uses a Virtual Assistant?
    People that have a Virtual Assistant use their time more effectively to manage their business and life successfully: they build relationships, win business and do the things they should be doing rather than getting bogged down in administrative and lifestyle management tasks that can be expertly done by AKA Virtual Assistant. For those people that don’t yet know they would benefit from using a Virtual Assistant: you should speak with me so we can discuss what you are doing that I can do instead!
  • How does AKA Virtual Assistant work?
    AKA Virtual Assistant’s aim is to make your life easier. Once contact is made, we shall have an introductory call to ascertain what needs and expectations you have and map out what I can do for you. I shall send you a proposal setting out your needs and how I intend on delivering the service you require. If that looks good to you, a Client Agreement will be sent to you (this will include all that is in the proposal) and on acceptance and signature of that, we can get started.
  • What are the benefits of using AKA Virtual Assistant?
    By providing an extremely professional service that offers many things to a high quality, AKA Virtual Assistant can benefit anybody. There are services to meet all Clients’ budgets because the offering can be built around any budget. An initial, no obligation, introductory call will determine how I can add value and how many hours that might take, ad-hoc or regularly. Please see AKA Virtual Assistant’s Services as a guide to see what I can help you with. You only pay for the hours I work for you; you will not pay overheads for desk space for me, taxes, NI, pension, holiday or sickness pay.
  • What experience do you have?
    With decades of experience as a Board Level EA / PA in property and property finance in the City of London, I have supported a wide range of characters with differing working styles, demands and priorities. I was awarded a Distinction for the Pitman Executive PA Diploma I completed in 2001 and I graduated university in 1998 with a BA Hons (2:1) Hospitality (Hotel & Catering Management), all of which I gained transferable skills that I have used every day since.
  • Does AKA Virtual Assistant work with entrepreneurs, private individuals and corporate clients?"
    I provide high quality administrative and lifestyle services to entrepreneurs, start-ups, private individuals and senior corporate executives; and offer my expertise and decades of experience as a PA / EA specialising in, but not limited to, property and property finance. I endeavour to deliver all reasonable requests to an exceptional standard, keeping all avenues open to new service lines
  • How do I start working with AKA Virtual Assistant?
    Starting up with AKA Virtual Assistant is easy. Contact Anna by e-mail:, by phone: 07391 060 776 or via the website. We shall discuss your requirements, how I can help and a proposal will be sent to you by e-mail. You can pay for each hour worked, by project or you can retain / secure a block of hours for the next month. When you confirm you are happy to proceed, you will receive a Client Agreement which we shall both sign. I can then start making your life easier!
  • Have you managed people before?
    I was a member of a senior management team in the corporate world as well as line managing and mentoring administrative staff. This has allowed me to gain further skills in management. However, upward management (of ex-bosses) interested me because every one of them had differing characters, needs and expectations and that experience has been a huge benefit to me at AKA Virtual Assistant. Does AKA Virtual Assistant have the required skills to complete the work requested? Because I have had decades of experience, I have gained many skills both in and out of the job. Fortunately, I have had the experience to problem solve most things that are requested of me. I love learning and will always be honest about my capabilities. If I am unconfident about doing something to the high quality that I expect of myself, I shall let you know.
  • What tasks can AKA Virtual Assistant do?
    I can do many things which can be found on AKA Virtual Assistant’s Services page. Please kindly note that, without overstretching myself, I have a wide range of skills to be able to do many things that might not be listed on the website so please just ask me. As long as I can complete your task or project to the highest quality I am happy to take on any challenge!
  • How quickly will AKA Virtual Assistant complete each task?
    Your task will be done as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality. At the start of the task, I provide an estimate of how long it will take, however, I aim to have routine or smaller tasks turned around within 24-48 business hours. A timeline for larger projects are agreed in advance.
  • What is AKA Virtual Assistant good at?
    I have been told I have a natural ability to organise. I am a logical problem solver and can think outside the box. With excellent attention to detail, I present things in a clear and articulate way. As a relationship builder, I am used to talking to all sorts of people and can communicate well.
  • What is AKA Virtual Assistant not good at?
    I am not good at finding out I can’t do something! Genuinely a keen learner, I can’t let things lie. If I don’t know something, I like to find out. This constant thirst for learning is great in my line of work because not every day is the same!
  • What does AKA Virtual Assistant do if you don’t know how to do something or start a task and then realise you can’t do it?
    Honesty and integrity together with professionalism, communication and commitment remain the core values of AKA Virtual Assistant. Decisions are based on the belief that every task completed is done with first class service and unfaltering dedication. If there is something I am not qualified or confident in doing, I shall never take the work on, however, I will refer you to someone who can.
  • Why can’t I do the things AKA Virtual Assistant does myself?
    Just like you, I have worked hard to achieve what I have done to date and have learnt my craft over decades. I guarantee that I can help you and alleviate the time you spend on things that are taking you away from your core business: building relationships and gaining Clients.
  • How will AKA Virtual Assistant know my style and preferences of working?
    After the paperwork has been completed, we will have a call to ascertain what working style you have and how you prefer to work. How you like to communicate, what systems you like using, what you like and don’t like as well as the practical things like the best way of working together and how to exchange information will also be discussed and agreed.
  • I am busy so do I have to explain how to do things to AKA Virtual Assistant?
    Investing the time at the start will allow me to ask the questions needed so that I don’t have to ask them again. If you can tell me exactly how you like things done, this will be taken on board and tasks will be completed in a way that you prefer, unless you like the ideas I have which can be adopted.
  • How will AKA Virtual Assistant communicate with me?
    To make your life as easy as possible, I am happy to communicate whichever way you prefer: e-mail, WhatsApp, phone or video conference. If there is an instruction you are making involving finances, I ask that it is done by e-mail, sent directly from you, for me to be able to act upon it immediately. If something is unclear, how does AKA Virtual Assistant interpret it? If something is unclear, I shall ask you to clarify it. Communication is key. This may be setting out my understanding of the request by e-mail so that you can amend or comment.
  • What happens if we do things differently?
    Because there is more than one way to do things, provided the end result is to your satisfaction and to the highest quality that I come to expect of myself, we can collaborate and agree how you want things done
  • What tools does AKA Virtual Assistant use?
    I love using the traditional Microsoft Office package (Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) but these are used together with collaboration tools such as DropBox, WeTransfer and Zoom. I am here to make your life easier so am happy to use the tools that you are comfortable using or similar.
  • How does AKA Virtual Assistant prioritise its work?
    Once I fully understand what needs to be done clearly, I look at the goal in mind and how I can best achieve that. I set out a logical plan and take one step at a time to achieve the bigger objective. Time management is key and having the skills and experience to juggle multiple tasks and projects has enabled me to work with efficiency and speed whilst not compromising on quality.
  • What happens if AKA Virtual Assistant misses a deadline?
    My time management skills are second to none and I set realistic deadlines for myself so this should not happen. However, communication is key so if an unexpected emergency arises, I shall let you know immediately if the deadline may not be met. We shall discuss the next steps as a matter or priority.
  • What if I am unhappy with what AKA Virtual Assistant has done for me?
    You being unhappy is genuinely the last thing I want so I would be grateful if you could please let me know as soon as you find yourself in this situation so that I can do everything I can do to resolve the problem and exceed your expectations.
  • What if I decide a Virtual Assistant isn’t for me?
    Having any type of Assistant for the first time might be unnerving for some and that is to be expected, after all you have had to everything yourself up until now. Please give me the chance to show you what benefits can be gained from having me on board. I am positive that your uncertainty will soon disappear. However, if, after you have given it a proper chance, should you choose to discontinue working with a Virtual Assistant you don’t need to worry about being tied in to a contract.
  • How do I know that AKA Virtual Assistant will keep my confidentiality and security safe?
    Confidentiality is key to the work I do and have done for decades. The Client Agreement is a two-way legal contract which binds both of us to a confidentiality clause. I have always been cautious in this regard and comply with data protection and information rights (I am registered with the ICO:
  • How can I trust AKA Virtual Assistant?
    I understand it takes times to trust someone. To allay your concerns, I have, in all the previous roles that I have fulfilled, always acted with honesty and integrity and managed personal matters autonomously including: bank accounts, insurances, key holding, medical records and school reports.
  • Can I meet AKA Virtual Assistant?
    I am happy to meet in person. All I require is that you reimburse me for the public transport I take or the mileage I travel and the time it takes me to get to you and back to my office
  • Can AKA Virtual Assistant work with me in my office / home?
    I have the appropriate insurance in place to work with you in your office or home, however, as I am a Virtual Assistant I am best placed to serve you from my home office which will maximise the time I work for you because it cuts out the travel time.
  • Can AKA Virtual Assistant help me if I am not local?
    I can help you wherever you are located in the UK which is a benefit of working virtually. Meetings in person will be dependent upon the type of project and the frequency of meetings required.
  • What are AKA Virtual Assistant’s working hours?
    AKA Virtual Assistant’s regular hours are 9:00am – 5:00pm (GMT / BST), however, an out of hours service is available on request.
  • Does AKA Virtual Assistant work outside the working hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm (GMT / BST)?
    I can work outside office hours upon request and prior agreement.
  • How quickly does AKA Virtual Assistant respond to e-mails, messages, etc?"
    I aim to respond to any form of communication as soon as I can, however, my normal working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
  • What if there is an emergency and I need something done immediately?
    If an emergency arises, it is best to call or text me. I will always do my best to assist immediately where I can. Please kindly note that it may incur an additional charge.
  • How much does AKA Virtual Assistant charge?
    Please see AKA Virtual Assistant’s Rates page
  • How does payment work?
    AKA Virtual Assistant invoices in advance of commencement of work undertaken. Any work carried out over this will be invoiced at the beginning of the following month. Payment is due within 7 days of the invoice date. Direct bank transfer is the preferred method of payment.
  • Are there any hidden costs?
    There are no hidden costs. When paying by the hour or via a retainer, only work completed will be what you pay for. For bespoke projects and day rates, the pre-agreed rates are applied. I am happy to meet Clients face to face to attend meetings, at your request. Should additional costs be incurred, such as travel using public transport, surplus printing, ink, stationery, postage, etc this will be pre-agreed and reimbursed through expenses at a cost to the Client which will be invoiced at the beginning of the following month.
  • Does AKA Virtual Assistant have an incentive scheme?
    Recommendation by word of mouth is the best compliment you can extend to me because I know I am doing a good job! If you refer someone to me who then pays for a retainer package, you will receive 10% off your next retainer package that you place with me.
  • What will happen when AKA Virtual Assistant is on holiday or is sick?
    I shall let you know when I plan to take a holiday well in advance if it is going to affect the work that needs to be done. By being prepared I can ensure you are receiving the same quality of service when I am on holiday. Sickness is less predictable. I have been known, in the past, to work as I am recovering from operations in hospital!
  • If there is no tie-in period, why is there a need for a contract between me and AKA Virtual Assistant?"
    The Client Agreement binds us both by confidentiality and displays a commitment to work together. It does not tie you into a long-term commitment but it does set out what work is to be completed for you and how it will be carried out.
  • Can I obtain a reference for you?
    Please see the Kind Words written about me. I can put you in contact with someone who will provide a telephone reference upon request should you wish.
  • How does AKA Virtual Assistant keep up-to-date with developments and new ways of working?
    As I am keen to learn all the time, I like to take part in training, networking, webinars and forums. Things change all the time and I have never liked to be left behind.
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